Monday, June 13, 2011

So Grateful...

The morning will be forever ingrained in my mind. The thought that America had been attacked; the feeling of helplessness, anguish, and remorse for those who had fallen due to the terrorist’s attacks – my boat was rocked, no tipped over.

But later I realized that this had happened to EVERY generation…from my great grandparents on. And someone was always there to protect us. My grandfathers, Kenny’s grandfathers, millions of soldiers – thank God for them!

Kenny was a Senior in high school and I was a freshman in college. We had pretty much decided that Kenny was going to go into the military – Air Force. Until he was pretty sure, but September 11th changed his mind.

Nevertheless, I am extremely grateful to those who have defending our country and who will continue to fight for us no matter what the circumstance.

That’s why, on Memorial Day, I decided to offer a free session to a family who was nominated…and then I couldn’t just choose one. Hope Shots will be taking pictures of families in both Louisiana and Texas (no one nominated in Arkansas, Mississippi, or Oklahoma … wink wink…7/4 is coming!) – I am so excited to announce the winners!

Louisiana - Tami Morgan & her precious family!! Dad is currently away on assignment

Texas – Corina & Ed Stoway - their entire family (almost) is in the military!

I cannot WAIT to show you these pictures & thank you so much to those who nominated these precious families!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

More than just a picture...

My hope is that I will not only take pictures....not just good pictures....but amazing pictures that people will want to look at forever and ever!

No, I'm not kidding - that's my crazy side coming out! I've always wanted to capture the lives of others that will hang on their walls forever! (ok, maybe not forever...but a loooonggg time!)

Here's where I entered Melanie & Jeff's wedding. My goal at every wedding is to not only capture the traditional pictures but actually the ones that show emotion, that really brings that person back to the day!


I won't tell you the details, but essentially this wedding was backed with emotion, packed with fun, and packed with sadness. And ... packed with moments that will NEVER be seen again. I can only ask for you to pray for this family, because I know the upcoming months will not be easy - but I am certain that they will be strong and I'm so glad the moments I captured will forever be in their hearts.

We never know how easy our lives can change until you are in the moment. It's sad to think that we don't take advantage of our lives. We don't take advantage of who is in them. And often, we honestly don't think about others (family and friends) until it's too late. I've been thinking about this often...trying to live life to the fullest, and trying to work hard to capture time in other's lives.

Please - for me - take some family pictures! It doesn't have to be with me or even professionally - just make sure that you capture the right here and right now. Don't think about the past or worry about the future...reach for the people you love the most and take a picture! You never, ever know what the Lord has planned!

Without further ado, this is one of the reasons why I was balling while editing these prints.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Houston Minis!!!

It's here!! It's finally here!! Houston minis are THIS weekend!! I have openings Saturday evening & Sunday evening!!

Perfect for Daddy's day!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

I promise.....

that I will blog this weekend! I have been completely swamped with work and editing!! :) (That's a good thing...but I don't want to neglect the gorgeous pictures I am able to shoot every day!)

Here's something to keep you preoccupied in the comes from laura - it's such an inspiration!!

Things to blog soon:
Military Families
Summer Contest!
a sneak peek of Simon
The Cake Barn
Mel & Jeff's Wedding
and more!

See, I told you that I was busy!

Love you all!