Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 18: The Reason

We sit in the garage almost nightly. Soft jazz music in the air, cigar smoke fills up the other space...we talk, we laugh, we drink beer, we complain about our work. We talk about concerns, we talk about our future, sometimes he shoots pool while I sit back in the bean bag chair - my eyes heavy from the day.

This is an almost nightly action - in fact, most nights I know when we'll be out in the garage or not. This is a luxury - we haven't always had these types of chats - we haven't always poured our feelings out for one another. But since some hardships have taken over....we've become so in tuned to one another.

What did I mean by 'the reason?' I meant that this is a major factor in the success of our marriage. We have laughed, cried, and have been sad together - we've grown up together. We've seen each other succeed and fail, disappoint and enlighten, and truly do things that we love. For that, we are absolutely blessed.

My nightly routine has been to listen to 'Delilah's Dilemma' on our soft rock station on my way home. Last night was particularly heartbreaking - Don, a man who's been in a 20 year marriage, realized that when they met and married he wasn't necessarily in love with his wife. He loved her yes, but he wasn't always in love. They quickly became closer and had 6 children together. Recently, he told her that he was so in love with her and explained the story. She reacted poorly. She said that she thought he tricked her into marriage and that their whole lives shouldn't have happened. Night before last Don came home to an empty house, his wife had taken their children to an unknown location - and he didn't know what to do.

Usually I miss Delilah's powerful words on how the situation could be helped and last night was no exception. But as I thought about it, it made me sad. If I asked Kenny today (or if I was honest with myself) about our relationship 12 years ago there is NO way that I was in love with him as much as I am in love with him now. And that will continue until the day we die. Of course he is more in love with me now (as I of him) - of course the reasons that I love him have changed. But then I realized a key element - obviously, they were not usually honest with one another. They probably were extremely busy...and probably didn't have what we dub 'honesty sessions.'

Have you had one lately? It's when we tell each other - ok, we need to have an honesty session - which means: please don't get defensive about what I am going to say - please listen- please do not get mad (or upset). Sometimes we break our rules, but often we keep to it.

And 12 years later, we are stronger than ever.

My heart absolutely breaks for families who are torn about with parents splitting - coming from a family who is split, I definitely see the difference to a family like Kenny's who has a life long commitment and have not been divorced. Now I am not excluding situations where there is no choice - this is definitely not the time or place for a lengthy chat about divorce - I am just saying it's a main reason for our strength in our marriage.

Marriage, like any relationship takes time, effort, a lot of work, and the consistent effort to listen. Marriage is so unique - and so awesome - I am so glad that we have been able to be together for so long and are now married.

Please sit down and speak with your spouse, significant other, or partner - really listen. really understand. really go out of your way to stay positive.

And you'll have a reason too.

Love always,

P.S. Isn't this a perfect topic for the day of a Royal Wedding? So not planned as I haven't seen much about it...but judging from FB comments - it must have been beautiful. I still remember Diana's wedding!!

Theses images are from Style Me, another blog I'm linked to!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Put your efforts in something WORTH IT

Most people have seen the tremendous devastation in Alabama & Tennessee - how horrible.

I still remember Katrina and what we did as a college (Kenny & I were at Tech) to help the people of New Orleans -

So here's my turn to help and capture life - please let me know what I can do as a photographer.

And here's what I want for you to think about.

How long has it been since you've done something for someone else? When you're deep in doubt, not enjoying where you are, and caught up in life.

Do something for someone else.

This is my absolutely premise for why I'm working to help others - would you do something for someone else today? Plan to do at least 1 thing per month to help someone else!!

Need some ideas? Read your local paper and find some great opportunities.

You can do it - need some help? Let me know!

Love always,

P.S. Wanna see what I'm photographing this weekend? Check out this awesome organization!!!

Want to see more?? Click here

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 17: Let it go.

This quote is absolutely for me - why? Becuase I'm a planner - if you have read my blogs before these you know that I am so focused on planning that it's hard to start doing. But to create a life - you must M.O.V.E.

Whether it's moving yourself (aka pushing yourself), chanign your environment (it can make a huge difference), or anything in between - it's essential to, once in a while, stop and live.

When life turns corners as fast as Nascar or when tragedies happen when we least expect it ... sometimes we have time to reflect on the past. However, when we plan, plan, plan and never really put that plan into action - we then fail. That's when we regret- which is another major issue. Often in sales you will hear - under promise, over deliver - you do that in your own life?

Have you promised yourself to start going to church, stop cussing, shed those pounds, organize those closets, or build that business that you love? Have you done it? Have you started but not finished? (most likely this answer is yes) -

Under promise...over deliver ... and you'll charm yourself. But in the mean time - still maintain a life. Many men and women today get so wrapped up in where they are going they get stuck in that mode and forget their families. Only to realize that they don't have one when they've achieved 'success.' You don't want to be living in a castle built on sand (thanks Casting Crown's for that image) - you want to actually be living. Please don't think for one minute I'm saying get away from your dreams -it's totally opposite. I'm saying live your dreams, work hard - and play harder (with the people you love)-

Under promise to your family and over deliver because you have done what you needed to do.

Since starting my business, I can easily get caught up in working at night. I can get home from work (often around 9) and start immediately. I could eat dinner at the computer and not pay attention to those I love. However, soon - those I love would forget about me too.

And that's not happening.

Balance is about finding the place where you feel like you've spent time with those you love while achieving your goals. Yes, that impossible list will never be complete - but the time spent with your family is priceless.

Lately, Kenny and I have been playing games during dinner - we'll play scrabble or card games - it's So much fun! This has brought back a kid-like fun in our relationship. Try it, I bet it'll make a difference. If you work late come in with coffee - turn off the tv - and have a real conversation. If you have kiddos - put them to bed- turn on some jazz - and actually listen to one another. Yes, the to dos will always be there, but your loved ones won't necessarily be there.

Cherish the time you have - and actually LIVE.

With love always,

Want to hear that song that I was talking about? It's awesome:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 16: Balcony or Basement?!

Ok, so I have to admit this is SUPER hard to be so open on this blog - but I want to know that you are not alone -

Recently, I have gone through a period of time where some parts of my life are super unsatisfactory. Unfortunately, life is life and you can't always have your way. (Darn, I thought I could keep that princess outfit on for the rest of my life :)

The other day I was apologizing for complaining (because I try not to) and someone said to, it's ok- I'm used to it.

WOW. Hit me like a TON of BRICKS.

You're used to it? Why? Do I annoy you? Do I bring you down? Do you not want to be around me? Am I getting that bad?

After thinking about it I realized that I am. And so - to all my friends and family reading the blog - I'm sorry for complaining so much.

So it made me start thinking about this challenge - do you complain a lot? Do you do anything about it?

Let me tell you why this bothers me so much. (this is JUST an example - please do not think I am putting my political opinions on you!)

When the election came around 2 years ago, I was VERY adamant about who I was voting for. I told my hubby and some other people...but I also kept it from some people too! A couple of weeks prior to the election I filled out another registration form and mailed it in...only to find out at the booth that I could not vote because the registration was not transferred from my college town. I made a promise to myself that because of that incidence - I could NOT complain about who won the election because I didn't get to vote. And honestly, I haven't. Often I'll be told - do you know what happened with this or that - and I cannot complain because I didn't do what I needed to do to cast my ballot.

So tonight...after giving some thought to the complaining - I'm vowing to myself again to keep complaints inside - deal with the issues at hand - and make sure that I'm a balcony person.

What's a balcony person? A balcony person is someone at the top of his/her game - she's cheering you on from her balcony & keeping his/her sites high. (Think when you go to a parade and how jealous you are that you are not in a balcony - yea, it's those type of people that you want to be!)

What's the opposite? Oh, that's a basement person! That's a person that keeps dragging you down. That finds the place to sit...and sits...and doesn't care how you feel.

I don't want to be in the basement or on the main floor! I want to be on that balcony.

So if someone is raining on your parade, do what I {will be} do{ing} and open that umbrella and dance! After all, even if you get wet - life will still be sweet.

Love always,

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 15: When Envy doesn't cut it...

Lately, I've been finding myself wishing I were this or that...envying others...and envying their life.

I say this honestly - I promise it's not something that I find easy to share.

Have you felt that way? Have you seen friends/family/anyone else...and envied them?

There is a reason that God made envy one of the deadliest sins - because it can not only hurt you on the surface, but it can truly hurt your soul.

It can control you - you can become obsessed.

So when this happens, I often turn inside - I've asked myself what do I want? Why do I want it? And what work have they done that I still need to do? The definition of a pro is someone who makes it look easy.

So really? What have you not done that they have?

So how do you prevent this or work through it?
-Stop looking....
-No really....
-Then - discover the real reason why you are being envious- are you wishing for more money? More opportunity? or more _______?
-Think about what you can do to make your life a little more lively - and how you can accomplish the same.
-Be thankful for what you have in your life
-Start living? Staring at others lives will never allow you to create yours....

Here's a quote to leave you with:

The definition of suffering:
"Wanting what you can't have, getting what you don't want, and not knowing which"

Happiness or Envy & Regret - which one will you pick?

Hope this encourages you!
Love always,

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter means more than eggs!!

Last year's Easter Card - too fun!!

Many apologies for the bloggy break - we have been working to entertain friends & family and time ran away from me!

Yesterday after some technical difficulties we had a crawfish boil with some friends - and they were SO GOOD!

Easter means so much more than eggs or crawfish. The bunny may visit your house but the importance of the holiday is about the resurrection - how Christ gave himself on the cross for our sins so we may live again.

Now you may be thinking - I'm not really religious - but even if you don't attend church, it's something that - as a Christian - you must know is real and so important especially in these days. Things are so shaky, life is so unsure - but the reality is that Jesus is there & we know that at the end of time we'll see Him.

What a comfort.

In lieu of our regular 30 days session - I want to encourage you to spend time with your loved ones and really remember what the season is about - not chocolate bunnies or jelly beans.

With love always,

Friday, April 22, 2011

Celebrating Earth Day....Saddle up!!!

Between Easter & everything else - we missed Earth Day!

So sad! I hope that you guys realized (probably fro google's Earth Day home page) - that it was Earth Day!!

We didn't forget - mainly because I'm a crazyyyyy Earth freak - case in point, when I was young I was spotted on the playground reading 101 Things Kids to do for the Environment. Yep, I was a dork.

In any case, although we didn't get our free tree from Lowe's, we did celebrate in a different way.

On a Horse -

We saddled up Sam & Oakie and went riding for two hours! It was super fun...but super tiring and sore. They I really thought about the term 'saddle up' and how it relates to our life. Yep - back to the self-help....

Are you 'saddled up' in life?

This the reality of being saddled -

  • You don't always get your way ... because the horse (life) will pull you no matter what
  • Are you prepared for the pain of 'riding'? Because after you get are in pain!
  • When your horse decides to gallop - he does....and doesn't ask you!
  • Are you prepared for the journey? Because it's long....and windy
  • Can you get the dust in your eyes (and mouth) and recover?
  • In the end....will your horse drink? or will he refuse?
These questions are something you have to ask yourself every day... and strive to every day - here's how they relate to you:

  • Life pulls in crazy directions - and it doesn't ask - you'll either go with it or fall off....
  • The pain of riding .... or living your journey might be super painful ... but so worth it in the end.
  • Life is going to run around you - and it won't be something that makes you comfortable - usually it'll feel like you aren't going to make it
  • Preparation is the key - are you prepared for tomorrow? Take the five minutes you need to prepare & make things happen.
  • Life is a journey that becomes rough - kicks dust at you ... and you just have to grin and bear it (or add the salt and tequila! :)
  • In the end how will you stand before God? Will you face Judgment Day begging for grace or will you end with a smile on your face?
I hope you guys picked up your tree at Lowes - and realize how much saving on energy (we only use green energy), organic items, recycle constantly (we always have tons of recycling (and usually it's most of our trash!)), and carpool or choose to take a fuel efficient car.

It just takes a little to do a lot - take it from the dork who read a whole book on what we could for the environment!

With love (always),

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 12: Sleep is not for the week....or for the dead

So there is something that I haven't been getting lately.


Are you burning the candle at both ends too? Working your day job ... and then working your night job/doing projects around the house/running kids around the city/or just busy?

Then you know - the truth is you need at LEAST 8 hours of sleep but most of us get 4-6.
And then we wonder why we live on coffee while we 'make' it through the next day.
Yeah, I know - I've been there.
Whatever the reason for your lack - I want to encourage you to get more sleep in your life.
This means that you have to plan better....
Make better choices with your time....
Just say no to extras.....
and NOT drink coffee at night.
(the last one was for me too- if I drink coffee I'll be up thinking for another 4 hours)!

Here's some thoughts about sleep:

image credit

  • 27% of women say sleep is the most important component to their overall well-being
  • 16% of women would try getting a good night’s sleep to improve their overall wellness
  • 31% of suburban moms are likely to make sleep a priority
  • 50% of women with children agree that sleep is the best way to recharge, nine points higher than women without children
  • 45% of women agree they feel most refreshed after a good night’s sleep
  • 26% of women are likely to invest in a mattress as an in-home wellness item
And yet - we still don't do it. Do you have a bed time? Do you know when your clock is running out? As the famous phrase says: "Sleep is for the weak" or "You'll sleep when you're dead" - this is not the option for proactive people.

And it's not your option.
Make a commitment to get enough sleep & improve your life.

With love,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 11: Be unique - no matter what

I have this obsession - it's a pretty wild obsession.

It has to do with poofs - let me explain: Last year around St. Patrick's Day my boss at the time (love you Barb!) brought me something that she thought was me in an accessory - a St. Patrick's Day poof - look through my FB profile picks for last year's pic! In any case....we found out that Buddy loves poofs too - and ate the entire thing.

My point is that many people make fun of my poofs - loud or expressive feathers! And sometimes I don't wear them thinking that I don't want to be made fun of in some sort of way.

And then I realized that was reducing myself to a Jr. High mentality - and not showing my unique expression in everything I do.

When Kenny & I first got together Kenny's mom said I was 'animated' - I was of course upset about that word and thought - but the truth is ... I am.

I live animated - I love animated jewelry and things - and I strive to be unique. Subconsciously. Because we're not supposed to be in real life.

Get over it. Yep, I said it. Unique people have the most interesting stories - and I know that sometimes it can be annoying ... or not usual - but try to be tolerant.

From one poof girl to another -
love always,

Day 10: Sing with the Windows Down

So many times we have to be everything.

Do you feel that way? Have to have the perfect car, house, family, job, life, equipment, latest technology....I could go on forever. I see this every day. Many people that I see expect perfection from their children - maybe the just want the best, but mostly I see added stress for absolute no reason.

I guess I don't understand because I realize how flighty everything on this Earth is. How you think that you are following the right path only to find that the path you are on is going the wrong way.

Why is that?

Often it's because we are too busy trying to see what we should do instead of seeing what is right in front of us. I say this only to myself - I'm SUCH a planner. And Kenny is a LIVE(R) - he enjoys being in the moment...the moment I've been errr planning since 4th grade. Funny thing is - everything I have planned up til now has not happened like it was supposed to. Case in point - when Kenny and I were in our 4th year together at Tech EVERYONE was getting married - and I was OBSESSED with it. I even made a book - that has long been trashed - of everything we would have at our wedding. 3 years later.....our wedding was NOTHING like I had 'planned' - and Kenny was absolutely right. You see, our life changes every 30 adjusts, new opportunities arise, surprises happen, natural disasters happen....and the plans fly out the window.

So instead of having so many plans that you can never get to - roll down the windows and enjoy life. This is NOT to say that you should not plan - goal set - or dream - but it is to say that sometimes the right thing to do is live in the moment.

Tonight was just one of those nights, I need to do a million things, I should've listened to a webinar on the way home...but instead I rolled down the windows and sang like my life depended on it. I didn't care about what others thought when I rolled up next to them...I just lived. I breathed in the [hot] air...and enjoyed life.

Do that tomorrow - between picking up and dropping off the kiddos - after work - or during lunch.

Sometimes I think dogs have the right idea, when you roll the windows down you can truly live.

I know you can see my boys out the window - one day I'll have to shoot that picture!

With love always,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 9: Enjoy Life

So sorry this didn't get posted yesterday - technical difficulties!

In any case, we'll do our Day 9 and tomorrow we'll resume with 10 & 11 to catch up!

Day 9 involves enjoying life, which is something that we don't do very often! Enjoying life does something for us - it refills our cup. So often we are bogged down by all the stresses in life we don't get to enjoy the real life!

This picture was taken a while back - enjoying a boat ride with friends. It is so soothing to hear the wind and nothing else but your thoughts. Life gets ultra clear & difficult things become easy to solve.

But the truth is, we don't do this enough, 'American workers talk about vacations, plan for them, dream about them and then, never take them. In the United States 415 million vacation days will go unused. Given a five day work week, that
comes out to 1.6 million years of unused vacation.'

This is a horrible and serious statistic. When we are working 40+ hours at a job, we need to be able to breathe and enjoy life. The truth is we don't. Why? Because we don't have the money, the time (although, apparently we do), and the gumption to say no to those around us.

So today, I want you to breath deeply - go to that place of happiness, and enjoy life.
Here's a list of things you can do this summer to enjoy:

-Learn a craft or how to paint
-Take a ride in the park
-Visit a beach or ocean....listen to the sound of the waves
-Visit family
-Ride on a boat
-Say no to something that will change your life
-Love your family by doing something they will love
-Go to a movie
-Spend time walking the dog(s)
-add more below...

Whatever you do, take those days, and if you don't have them...find a way to enjoy some aspect- even if it's for a couple minutes a week(end).

With love always,

Source "We're Skipping Vacations in Lieu of Working More," Chicago
Tribune, July 6, 2004, section 5.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 8: Take a Risk, Take a Chance....

(and break away....) - I know you were singing it!
(and just so you can fulfill your it is!)

This topic has been on my heart lately. You see, there is something about risk that we all hate: the unknown. It's so easy to think what could have been...but to actually jump feet first...that's a scary thing.

The reality is - staying in the same place is the risky part. Sure you think it's safe...sure you feel like your 'steady' pay is enough, but in these times - no one is safe. I don't mean to say that I don't feel safe ... but the truth is everyone has the opportunity to move to a different place in life. I went from a 9-5 working retail...and it was just that quick.

But I haven't felt safe. Or steady. Until now.

And my risk has NOT been living my dream. Waking up day in an day out with the same feelings....not pursuing something that I love with so much intent that it hurts. Not falling for something that I cannot live without but failing to take the steps I need to make things happen.

Are you there? Do you have something that is SO strong and you are SO passionate about but you don't want to jump? You are taking such a big risk not to.

But you say...wait, what about this and that? what about falling flat on my face? what about it not working out?

My question to you: are you passionate about what you are doing? Do you want to be the same person as you are today? What is driving you to wake up in the morning, working you to death, and helping put food on the table? Do you love it?

If you don't love what you are doing - take a risk, make a change - break away from 'popular' schools of thought that you have to have a "real" job...and do it.

I don't want to live another day without working my passion.
I can't not do it.
I love it to much.

You owe it to yourself & your family - get serious.make a plan.jump.and never look back.

Believing in your risks,

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 7: (A day late....) Family is Important

Remember how I spoke about relationships? Well, they are equally important within families. Recently, I've been overwhelmed with some things going on in my family. Not knowing why things are happening is an extremely scary - not knowing what is going to happen is even more scary. I say this only to say that I know it'll be ok. As in all families we deal with things every day - we go through things every day and still find a way to make it through things. {please note that this is not to worry you - just to bring into light that it can happen at any time.}

In any case, during these rough times it's essential to keep your family close. They are all you have. In the end, it won't matter who you worked for, how many hours you logged at work, who you partied with, and what you spent your money on if you have no one. I have known many people who don't have their family - and honestly, I must say that they do not seem to have the type of backing they need. I don't know what I would do without the support of our families.

Bottom line - appreciate your family - because you never know what will happen. One of my friend's mom's just died recently, I am so very sad for her - I cannot even imagine. I remember when I was 12 and my mom was so sick, I thought she was not going to make it - and I was so scared. Living without those you love is so difficult - so as you struggle with unruly teens, digressing parents, and other various issues at hand - be grateful for what you have. I absolutely love my family more than ever.

hug those babies tight - give your family a call - repair relationships - love your family.

With love always,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 6: Remember your Relationships

Busy...busy...busy....does that describe your life? Ok ... so question(s) - what is it busy with? Is it busy with work? School? Extras? Business? Internet? ......

How are the relationships in your life? Yes, I said it - relationships.

Here's a quote that truly has meaning to me:
"Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement...all success... all achievement in real life grows." - Ben Stein
Have your personal relationships been on the back burner? Recently, I've spoken with different people who tell me about issues that they are having in their personal life. Whether they are dealing with being on the back burner or moving others to that position. I know it's super easy to get 'busy' and stop living life. But as a [pretty darn good] half of my marriage (just kidding...he's SO the better 1/2!) - it's essential that we take the time to really engage like a couple.
For a while it was like this:

So what are you up to tomorrow?
L: I'm going to Ikea with Mom & taking C*
K: What? Wow, that is some plan
L: Huh? Didn't I tell you Monday?
K: No, definitely not.
L: I was sure....
K: no...

Seem familiar? Scary isn't it? So my real question is .... do you really have those conversations with your spouse? Mom? Brother? Dad? Aunt? Uncle? Grandparent? In law? Best Friend?

Why haven't you - disclaimer: I am NOT at all an expert...this is my 30 day guide too!
(my bffs are like...whatever...she's not terrific!)

So what are you next steps? How do actually improve that relationship?
1. Admit - yes, this is usually number 1 - but it's SOO important!
2. Apologize - You've been lousy & you know it
3. Make time - schedule it if you have to - have weekly chats/date nights (you don't have to out of the house)
4. Know your priorities....what are they? What do they look like?
5. Choose to change

It's so eeasy to say yes - I'll change...and it never happens. "Be the change you wish to see in {your} world!" - Ghandi

Here's some favorite quotes I have on relationships:

‎"The fundamental glue that holds any relationship together is trust." - Brian Tracy
Does your partner trust that you'll put them before work? Do they understand when you have to work long hours (hint: give em a heads'll help!)

"The value of a relationship is in direct proportion to the time that you invest in the relationship." - Brian Tracy

What value have you put on your relationship? At the end of time...who do you want by your side?

Note: Intimacy is not a relationship - we see this alllllll the time. People can be intimate & not have the relationship that they deserve. Please don't mix the two. The same with a ring - that doesn't mean a relationship is there.

Need a neat post to read? click here

With love (in your relationships!) always, Lida

P.S. Here's a cute heart session with Heather & Tony

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 5: Keep your Promises

I have a problem - many know it. I get too busy doing things and forget the promises that I keep. I don't mean to break them, I just do. And I have .. cue the guilt train.

My brother knows of some....Splashtown...other things...and these are promises that I fully intend to keep - this year. So I may be late, but at least I will complete the promises.

How about you? Is that guilt train pushing you along because you haven't spend enough time with your family, completed the things you promised for your friends, or haven't really committed to completing things that you've started.

don't give up hope. you can still keep those. late is better than never.

Ok, I promise this is speaking MAINLY to me. But in order to really improve you - you have to have to be genuine...and you have to keep your promises.

Like I said, this post is dedicated to me - the over committed, over whelmed person who thinks she can do it all. But I can't - sometimes.

Nonetheless, I try - and I know you do to! So my first matter of business is to genuinely try to improve this. I have in the past couple of months err...maybe weeks have been working on this.

Here are a couple of tips:
  1. Think about what you are promising
  2. Keep the promise in front of you
  3. Set a deadline ... or if it has a deadline write it down to complete ahead of time (crazy, I know)
  4. Acknowledge your promise problem & accept it (guilt won't do anything...)
  5. Ask the person you promised to remind you of your promise! (again, ahead of time
As an almost former promise breaker, I really believe that if you truly know what you are promising, become dedicated to prove that you are trustworthy...and do'll feel so amazing!

Fear & guilt only come from broken promises.

So hop off that guilt train & join the promise wagon - I promise it's soooo worth it.

Promise you'll see me tomorrow!
Love always,

Here's to:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 4/30: Life is Short...Live it Up

Hey you...yeah you - with the Iphone in one hand while you check this blog with the other...yeah. You need a break. A technology break.

Oh wait....that's me...super glued to my technology. Are you?

Today was a hard day for me, it was one that I found out a couple of different things that really made me think about life.

Here's a picture that really makes this real for me...I took it in St. Francisville while visiting a friend:

If you can't read it, it says, "His Courage was Unbelievable...."

This stood out at me - of all the graves I'd seen that day (after taking pictures of a old church) - I was took me by thought was...what did he do? what difference did he make? He was only 20 - how did he do so much in 20 years? Why couldn't I have done 'unbelievable things' in 20 years?

This is definitely the theme of today - many things come and go. We can buy cars, houses, 'stuff', and it'll just get sold, damaged, or left behind. We can have a fancy phone, no phone....and it won't matter. We can have family or ignore our family...and in the end what will make it better?

Live your life to the fullest - because we don't know what's ahead. Sometimes that scares me - I know it scares everyone.

We can either be depressed....or we can LIVE.

Did you hear that? Live.

We spend so much time doing other things...worrying...watching others...not living....procrastinating....not living...having meaningless jobs...

That when we finally are at the end of our lives - we haven't lived.

Life isn't about the amount of friends you have on Facebook, the Tweets that are retweeted, or the Likes that you have -
It's about having meaningful relationships, having fun, growing, and encouraging others.

Live life today!
Love always,

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 3/30: Know what your shooting for...

Many people have said it - many people know it - but the MOST important question that should follow you know what you are shooting for?

Remember that chart that you were working on from yesterday? This is where you'll put those goals and then...put actions next (or under) them. You may know what you are shooting for...generically - but do you know what you are shooting for & does it have meaning? For example, one of my goals is to create an amazing family life - but do I know what that looks like? What does that mean to you? Does that include your extended family or does that just include your hubby?

Do you really know what you are shooting for? Because the opposite applies... if you don't know ... you'll never reach it.

The truth hurts. When you don't write down what you need to do for that day, does it get done? When you intend to get things done & they don't is it because you are just lazy? Sometimes....but mostly it's because you haven't written it down.

Specific [achievable] goals are like that too - and you have to map them out, take bite size pieces, and make sure they are truly what you want.

Many people do this differently - they have a 101 in 1001 days...or they stick post its to their mirrors until they achieve it...or they have a journal.
Either way, write them - map them...schedule them...achieve them.

I believe in you,
love always,

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 2/30: Dream Big and then...Dream Bigger

Do you dream big? I mean REALLY dream big? Do you shoot for something that you want to reach..but if you don't it's not big deal? Do you shoot for that house that you adore? What about the marriage you want? The relationship with God you desire? Or the kids you want?!

If you don't, you need to start. Dreaming big begins with really visualizing your goals and seeing where you want to be. If you don't know how to start, start here. This chart forces you to really analyze where you see yourself- and it's no easy task. Knowing what you want to be like in 20 years is SUPER hard to fathom - but really, it's super important. (Allison Lamarr is a coach that I found when I was in Mary Kay, I love her to pieces, even if you are not in direct sales - you may want to listen!)

The real truth is that God doesn't create us to live small. So often we go through life without really thinking about what we do and how we do just happens.

It's time for that stop.
Why do you let life happen? Why don't you know what you are aiming for? Why don't you visualize success so when you get know what you see?!

There are times that I dream for different you? Do you wake up one day and say to yourself, 'hey, I want this' - only to wake up the next and say 'no, I want this!' - those are your dreams in your heart. The truth is only you have them...and only you can accomplish them.

So dream BIG.
There is no reason to not dream- in fact Benjamin Franklin said: "a person starts dying when they stop dreaming." Are a walking dead? Are your dreams dead? Do you know what they are?

Dreams become yours and aren't big enough unless when you tell others about your dream they say: "ohhhh ok...sure" (or to that affect!) The reason why they don't understand is because those dreams are yours.

So dream big! Start living today...reverse your aging (figuratively speaking of course! :) and start living.

What are your dreams for:
  • yourself
  • your family
  • your career
  • your future home
  • your community involvement
  • your personal development
  • your finances
  • your physical health
  • your children
Write them down, put them in front of you daily. And when it seems like they are so big.....dream bigger than that-
after all, God doesn't give small dream to His children - only dreams that you can bring to pass!

Dream Big!
Love always,

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 1/30: Be True to You

Welcome to my 30 days of Becoming a Better You Series - I'm not only posting my pictures on here...I'm also adding some great series on here too! If you want to also follow my tumblr, click here

Being true to yourself isn’t easy- it means taking risks, realizing your faults, conquering your fears, and acting when it’s not convenient.

But really, I feel that this is SO important for women [and men!] today. I’m not writing these 30 days of posts geared towards just women, I just feel as though women respond differently! Don’t get me wrong, I love my hubby-liscious - possibly more than life itself, but he responds differently and so do I.

Women can get upset at the drop of a hat, make decisions based on emotions, and become OBSESSED with things related to emotion-filled life changing events. Men, on the other hand, have a tendency to look at more things objectively - take things into consideration, and look from a logical point of view. If I didn’t have my other half, I tell you - I’d be a mess.

But back to staying true to you. Many times we look at other’s lives and think - wow, they have it all - the fancy cars, the vacation, the flashes/lenses {ok, that’s just me…but still} - and we can fill our hearts full of jealousy. The reality is that EVERYONE has issues in their lives…they all have dealt with sadness, death, slumps, etc. The mathematical way of thinking about this is: jealousy=poison.

j+a[anger]=living in a slump.

I’ve absolutely been there & it takes SO much to get out of that feeling. The truth is that God wants you to start where you are. Whether it’s in debt or debt free, with a job or without, with faithful friends or without, with a spouse or without. The jealousy that rules {think FB, blogs} - is seen every day. Don’t we only post good things? Don’t we only see the tidied houses? Don’t we only see the touched up pictures? Don’t we see fancy cars parked in driveways of fancy houses only to not see what’s behind those doors?

Be thankful where you are. And when you are, you can honestly be true to yourself.

It’s so hard, it’s so easy to fall into a slump, it’s so tempting to think you are the only one - but your not.

Being true to you is one of the foundations to a happy life.

It’s a breath of fresh air.

I’s the ONLY way to live.

Be true to you - realize that your faults are what make YOU YOU. Your tendencies are the ones that give you personality & life. Why not embrace them?

Need help on realizing the many blessings you have? Start a 5 day gratitude journal that you write EVERY night. When you write down everything you are grateful for, it’s so easy to see how your life is completely yours.

My favorite blog post for the week was seeing Young House Love’s Sherry walk through her house and show her mess. Wow. It made me feel like - you know what? They are a nationally known couple who blogs about their house & they have clothes scattered too!

Start where you are-you are there for a reason.

With love always,


P.s. And in case you wanted to see it, here’s the link (warning, a little shaky…but soooo necessary!) - I love this couple! Follow them too! YHL Rocks

Candice Sneak Peak!

Candice - you are GORGEOUS! Thank you for giving me part of your Saturday to make my camera look good!!
