Saturday, February 26, 2011

This one deserves a post of her own - and NO words can say the right things except this is STRAIGHT out of the camera...and a gorgeous picture of a beautiful child. I am so blessed to know her!
What do you think?

Friday, February 25, 2011


Welcome to my very FIRST post of my new photography blog - please know that everything on this blog will not necessarily relate to photography, it'll include pictures of my babies (aka dogs), funny stories, encouraging wisdom, and pictures from events.

I am so blessed to have you on my website, thank you so much for being a part of my life!

This is a super exciting that is sooo out of my comfort zone - but if you think about it, shouldn't everything worth having be out of that zone?

With God's grace and some fantastic people I know we can so love this journey together.

Without further adieu - let's look at one of the most beautiful gals I know:
This is Reba, I know- was so hard to pick a picture that I didn't love - here's some more too!

Reba, you make my job EASY!